Psychologist Online

An IAHP Initiative

Pre-Marital & Post-Marital Counseling Courses (Online)

What is premarital/post marital counselling?

This is a self-designed program to assist couples in learning to communicate with one another without any hesitation and mental blocks.

Most of us learned about relationships from our parents, friends, and the media. But, it’s important to understand that our thoughts and myths around relationships don’t serve us in creating a long-term, happy connection. In this premarital counselling workshop, we’ll show you what really works.

For a successful future, couples need to discuss and align around their most important life values and a shared vision of the future. Through guided discussions and helpful tips, you’ll clarify and connect around issues like money, kids, sex, life goals, and spirituality. Plus, because we know these topics are tough, our premarital counselling workshop will have assistants and therapists to help you when you get stuck midway!

We’ve combined scientific knowledge, best practices from different methods, and our extensive experience of working with hundreds of couples and then distilled it to practical tools and strategies to help you learn the fundamentals of long term relationship building.

For whom:

  • Couples about to get married
  • Couple who married recently
  • Those thinking of / planning about having a long term relationship or family

Benefits of the course

  • Gaining a good understanding of yourself and your partner
  • Exploring the strengths and growth areas of your relationship using PREPARE/ENRICH
  • Identifying relational patterns with a perspective to move closer together
  • Handling communication better, particularly at times of conflict
  • Discovering individual, couple, and family goals
  • Aiming to create a safe, supportive and non-judgmental relational space
  • Establishing powerful intentions to help the relationship grow
  • Knowing what your partner needs to feel loved—and how exactly to give it to him/her
  • Knowledge on ways to align around common values and vision (money, kids, dreams, achievements, etc.)
  • Practical communication tools to discuss the hard stuff
  • Know-how on talking about in-laws and various other sensitive topics
  • Finding the hidden needs beneath the quarrels and disputes
  • Practical ways to maintain the spark, at least for a few minutes in a day
  • Knowledge to build and sustain playfulness and passion in the relationship

Course Contents

In short you will learn about the various elements of a successful couple relationship.

Communication – dealing with emotions – Safe Sex – Finance – Relationships – Building a Family – Real life goals – Happiness – Conflict Management – Anger Management – Abuse – Creating impressions – Human Physiology Awareness – Child Birth & Parenting – Sustaining Relationships – Socializing without disturbing the family values – Being You – My time – Saying No – Maintaining and respecting boundaries – Allowing personal space without hampering family values – Understanding the emotional and psychological needs

Mode of Learning

  • Self-study with mentor support
  • Materials will be provided
  • Discussions through video sessions / audio sessions as preferred
  • Can be completed without video sessions/ audio session
  • One to one Learning
  • 100% Virtual
  • Life time email support
  • Confidential and no photo or video of the learners will be recorded or asked for
  • For more details, browse the course information document here
  • If you are interested to attend our online course on marital Counselling, email us at
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